Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Le Vent Nous Portera

Unconscious of the frailty with which my recently altered heart rests in her chamber, I emptied the sand of the black sea coast from my shoes onto the side of my house and was, at the sound of each falling grain, sucked back into the very place from which my steps first captured her memory.

To retrace each swirling shift in direction between Bulgaria and Greece, these words must be delivered aimlessly likewise. I've not the desire to recount step by step the path which led me through Europe and back into the states, but do willingly share these experiences from memory as they fast forward-play-rewind. Beginning appropriately from the end, I let my eyes fall shut and am instantly lifted with the breeze and returned to the beach in Varna, Bulgaria.

The clouds read overcast and, like an elder who lacks the desire to pose as anything but, hover spitefully over our heads. The running joke that Nicki's "network" consists of rain clouds and thunder storms rings relentlessly true as we are yet again met with a darkened sky. We arrive to the beach as several mini cars packed with people and soaking dreams head upward on the road we have so anxiously just descended. One by one we crawl out of Nelly's silver bullet which she has somehow managed to squeeze through the downhill traffic "like butta." The breeze blows wildly on and off, the gray sky shows no sign of releasing the sun from her grips and the air is surprisingly...amazing. At first glance we would be insane to even fathom such an endeavor, but as we set our towels down and stretch our limbs, with a sigh of relief, we have arrived.

Everyone has settled down and before long Nelly and Deyan (our lovely Varna friends) charge into the sea. Nicki and I, silent and eyes to the sky, sit within our own minds and do whatever it is that people do when thoughts have yet to find their words.

As they return from a brief splish-splash, our friends engage Nicki in the where's, when's and why's of her recent life and I take this time to shut my eyes and listen to the sounds of the world around me. My Bulgarian has yet to progress in these first few days of our stay so conversation is shared between the sea and me. I take advantage of my listening tools and am glad to let her do most of the talking.

It was the thunder that first caught my attention, then the lightening in the distance. As if to warn us that we are now here at our own risk the lightening occurred closer and closer together like contractions before giving birth to thunder. Ooo's and Aah's from each of us as the sky danced before our eyes and...then it stopped. Similar to an orchestra obeying a swift command from their conductor, it stopped. The clouds parted, the sun shone brightly and the world rubbed it's eyes to a brand new day.

Me, Nelly, Deyan, Nicki, Teodor

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