Wednesday, March 31, 2010


i leave in 76 days.

Barefoot & Blanketed

tonight you drive me crazy.
i thought i lost it but maybe i was lost. maybe we both are.
tonight i can't help myself. words and lips and voices, they melt together and i don't know which way is up. i need to get away from this before its too late, i need to for your sake. please don't take this the wrong way. i love everything too much tonight including you.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Faces Filling Spaces

"The time has come," the Walrus said. But I thought you were my dentist!

Whatever that means.

I bought my ticket yesterday. I leave in 103 days. Sounds like a lot, but I know it will fly by. And then I will fly bye-bye. If things fall apart, then I'll just have to leave those things. In fact, I'll sell my broken things for broken wings to match my broken teeth and fix them.

One by one, I'll fix them..